
Showing posts from July, 2024

What is hayday?

Hayday Hayday Exclusively associated with the farm. A wage earner is called a salary day hayday. Those who are in the maintenance work take constant care of the trees.Water regularly And as much as is taken as a rule. Many common people and vendors come here to buy. And many others came to visit the farm.

What is farmtogether?

Farmtogether The farmtogether industry developed where large areas were needed to build the farmtogether. FarmTogether was formed by combining small and large firms together. Farmtogether Special arrangements are made for this. Special power supply is arranged for this.Because land needs water. And to meet the need of water, the motor must be turned on. It requires electricity. Farmtogether Many workers work both boys and girls. All of them are menstruating.And there is accommodation, food and everything. Their job is to produce the crop and its proper maintenance and planting.There is a system of import and export of the crops produced here. Global import and export system is in place. Farmtogether Many people are looking to buy many things.Various types of vegetables and fruits are produced here.

What is big farm

  Big farm Big farm A wide area of land is fenced off.Agriculture is done on the reserved land.And there are catering facilities within the premises. Import export is also arranged.This is called big farm. And within that big farm Seedlings and seeds are planted with care. Regular watering, sunlight and wind,Everything is properly maintained. There is a security system to protect the big place.And the laborers are also kept within that space they plant and maintain the seed trees and saplings within the farm.And some people are hired to maintain the farm so that those trees grow carefully.They work regularly and provide water.

What is farming in agriculture?

  Farming The term farming is specifically associated with agricultural work.The method of producing crops by working at ground level and sowing seeds is called farming. It is then used for work, then fed to domestic animals and produced for human consumption. Farming is the preparation of the land by plowing it well and then watering it.Then the seeds are bought. Others produce seeds and plant those seeds in plowed fields.Then as soon as the seed grows, medicine is applied to protect it from insects.And watering is done carefully when needed.This is how the seedling grows. Then slowly the flower starts to bloom with the fruit.And we sell those flowers in the market.This is how the farming process continues. Most of the time after selling the excess is kept at home for consumption.

What ways to conserve water?

Ways to conserve water Water conservation is very important.Because water reserves are about to run out.Water should be conserved keeping future generations in mind.Despite having three-quarters of water and one-half of land on Earth, there is a severe shortage of water. For lack of human consciousness.Water should be used as needed and properly maintained. Canal bill should be arranged to retain rain water.And artificial ponds have to be dug, to retain the rain water.Also, the water used in large industrial plants can be recycled and used for various purposes We all need to be aware of water conservation. If necessary, arrangements should be made to hold water in large tanks.

How to conserve and save

  Conserve and save Preserving and saving is very important for future generations.If water is not conserved, future generations may suffer.We can save a lot of rain water. Canals and ponds can store rainwater and use it later as needed.Besides, water is needed for farming and can help in using that water.Also animals meet the water requirement of animals etc.Different places store different types of water and save it for later use. Water must be reused. The recycled water can be used in the garden.

What is the ways to save water?

Ways to save water We can conserve water in different ways. The world's water reserves are going to run out.First of all we all need to be aware.We need to conserve water.Rain water, ice melt water, etc.Water must be reused.And learn to capture rainwater and use it for purification .The water that remains after bathing and cleaning the car can be used in the garden. Rainwater can be dug and retained.

Dhruv rathee wife?

Dhrub rathee wife  Wife's name is Julie. Dhrub rathee Commonly known as German Slepat.Roosters call him this name on youtube. Dhruv Rathee There is a YouTube channel on YouTube. Elvis Yadav and Dhruv Rathee started new controversi. Each other blamed. 

Fareucia corporate job supervisor behaviour ppt?

Fareucia corporate job supervisor behaviour I am a Fareucia Company General Employ.This company usually manufactures silencers and driver fronts.There LHD and RHD are made in my line.A supervisor from another line took me by force.To work on their lines for three hours.But instead of three hours, he worked for a long time.And I would say no more than three hours of work.Hearing this, the supervisor treated me very badly.

India women Vs South Africa women Test?

India women Vs South Africa women Test Differences can be observed between women in India and women in South Africa. There is no similarity between them, the culture of India is the same and the culture of African women is the same. Women are fair and dark.But African women are very dark. There are exceptions. Sometimes fair women are also seen. Women in South Africa are very strong compared to women in India.Because the women there work a lot. South African women have curly hair. Indian generations of children have different facial designs.And South African women's faces and boys' faces are different.

Redmi 13 5G price in India?

Redmi 13 5G price in India  Redmi 13 5G is going to gain massive popularity.Launched on July 9 at 12 noon on Amazon. Redmi 13 5G price in India About 15 thousand rupees.This price is kept so that everyone can buy.So that everyone can afford it Build quality has been improved throughout.And the display shines like a clear crystal mirror. In a word, it has been amazing. Camera quality is great.Battery quality is also great.Ultra fast charger.Battery backup also lasts longer. Gradually the mobile will be available everywhere.

What happened in jagannath puri?

Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra has started and will end at Jagannath Puri.World famous and India famous Puri Jagannath Rath Yatra is very famous. Rath Yatra is held here every year.Many people gather here. And different people meet.Big wheels are made months in advance for the Rath Yatra.And just above the roof was built where Jagannath Tagore was seated And Rath Yatra, Jagannath Tagore's Rath Yatra chariot is pulled by ropes. There are people of different religions living here and enjoy the pleasures beautifully.Welcome to Jagannath in Puri, Odisha.

What is the arvind kejriwal history?

  Arvind kejriwal history Arvind Kejriwal was born on 16 August 1968 He is a philanthropist and Indian politician.He formed the Aam Aadmi Party.He has done good work for the society. Politics and its roles are also comparable. Arvind Kejriwal has been elected as the Chief Minister of Delhi for the seventh time. Arvind Kejriwal first in 2013Took charge on 28th December. He is very sensitive person in taking responsibility.Arvind Kejriwal's wife name is Sunita Kejriwal. Arvind Kejriwal passed B.Tech. And he was an alumnus of All India Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Arvind Kejriwal has two children. And he is a Hindu by religion. Arvind Kejriwal was born in Siwani, Haryana.Arvind Kejriwan He has received many awards in his career. Arvind Kejriwal was arrested on 21 March 2024 in the Afgari corruption case.

What is Religion in Zimbabwe?

What is Religion in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Most Christians. Then there is Catholicism.  Then some part is Muslim. Some others claim they mean traditional religion. Moreover, four percent are Sanatan Dharma.  Zimbabwe A country in Africa.The country is famous for its wildlife and flora. No one will take this post seriously. This is posted in Education. We respect all religions.