What is the ways to conserve water?

Water is a very important element in our life without water our life is incomplete.

 Ways to conserve water 

At present, the world is gradually running out of water and many countries are facing water problems abroad.We all need to be aware of water consumption.Let not a drop of our water be wasted.We can conserve water in various ways.
The roof walls of the house should be kept a little bigger so that rain water can be stored when it rains. and will be filtered later.On rainy days or before rains, the pond should be dug and tied around so that the water does not leak out, thus saving its water.Water can also be conserved artificially.Besides, there are canals etc. of the river Bil to store water.The water tap should be turned off while applying soap. Turn off the tap while washing the dishes. Do not flush the toilet repeatedly.
The water tap should always be checked if it is turned off and the pipe should be checked if it is in good condition.


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